The University of A Coruña (UDC) Social Council and the joint venture Sngular TeamLabs, the alliance between the radical learning laboratory TeamLabs and the Sngular digital ecosystem have joined forces to develop, during the first half of 2021, a programme to promote entrepreneurship applied to the ICT sector, online and with onsite meetings, focused on young recent university graduates, micro-enterprises, professionals and self-employed workers, from A Coruña and Ferrol, who intend to bring a business idea to fruition, or who have decided to redefine their business strategy, relying intensively on the use of ICT, to face and/or leverage the new dynamics generated by the pandemic.
The programme provides participants with an intensive collaborative training experience consisting of personalised project development mentoring, which is useful for the successful development of an entrepreneurial project.
To achieve this objective, the programme involves the participation of experts in innovation, entrepreneurship, e-commerce and digital transformation, and applies a methodology based primarily on teamwork sessions, enabling participants to train key competencies in leading and undertaking business propositions with a corporate approach and in uncertain surroundings.
The programme also includes technical sessions on innovation in business models, financing and the creation of e-commerce, among others, which will provide students with tools and resources to carry out their projects.
At the end of this two-month programme, which includes a total of 265 hours of dedication, 155 hours of training and 110 hours of project work, participants will have defined and validated a business model, a value proposition, an e-commerce strategy and a digital marketing proposal. In addition, they will master the use of tools that will enable them to optimise processes and access external funding.