Finances for Mortals is a financial education project promoted at the University of A Coruña by the UDC Social Council and the UCEIF Foundation, through the Santander Financial Institute (SANFI). This project also has the support and sponsorship of Banco Santander, whose professionals provide the Finances for Mortals training on a voluntary basis throughout Spain.
The aim of the programme is to improve the financial culture of the university community, and society in general, through information, education and advice, facilitating the development of the skills needed to acquire greater awareness of financial risks and opportunities, bringing knowledge of the economic and financial world closer, and enabling informed decision-making.
In 2018, the Bank of Spain and the Spanish National Securities Markets Commission (CNMV) recognised Finances for Mortals as the best financial education programme in Spain with the Finances for All award.
Over the years, the programme has offered 4,596 face-to-face sessions throughout Spain, reaching a total of 38,168 beneficiaries through the work of 793 volunteer trainers.
To date, Finances for Mortals has offered 2,272 sessions at schools and 695 in vocational training, reaching 19,800 and 4,950 participants, respectively.
The programme has over 1 million visits to its official website,, and more than 40,000 followers on social media.