The Inditex-UDC programme of grants for pre-doctoral study abroad has been conducted since 2013 under the collaboration agreement between UDC and Inditex for the internationalisation of doctoral studies. This programme finances pre-doctoral research at universities and research centres abroad for a minimum of three months, with the aim of complementing students’ doctoral training and enabling them to obtain the International Doctorate Mention.
Since its launch, a total of 201 students from the UDC doctoral programmes have been given the opportunity to study abroad. In 2019 alone, a total of 28 students participated in study periods abroad funded by this programme, with very balanced representation of all branches of knowledge in the UDC doctoral programmes. The destination centres chosen by students in 2019 were located in a total of 11 countries, with a majority presence of those with a long history at the forefront of generating knowledge (USA, UK, France, Germany).
The Inditex-UDC programme of grants for pre-doctoral study abroad has a major impact on the promotion of talent and the internationalisation of doctoral studies at the UDC. Specifically, it has contributed a 23-26% increase in theses defended at UDC obtaining the international mention in 2013-2016, up to around 40% in the last two years calculated to date (2018 and 2019).
The Social Council of the University of A Coruña actively participated in the Committee for the Design, Implementation and Promotion of the fundraising strategy for the Programme of Grants for Pre-Doctoral Study Abroad and is represented in its Monitoring Committee.