Shared Space is a university training programme in personal and social skills and basic competencies aimed at improving employability and promoting inclusion in the labour market for young people with cognitive disabilities. This project was created to open the university space to groups that cannot access ordinary channels due to barriers in accessing higher education, promoting the inclusion of all participants and their families in the university community.
Shared Space is a firm commitment to university social responsibility and an example of the University of A Coruña’s commitment to society and to the right to a decent education for a group at risk of social exclusion. This is a pioneering initiative within the regional university system and one of the first at the national level.
The teaching team responsible for the training programme is made up of professionals with proven experience in the field of care for people with disabilities and attention to diversity. The programme also has the collaboration of technical specialists in attention to diversity.
Shared Space is sponsored by Banco Santander, through the Santander Universities Global Division, Fundación Universia and Fundación ONCE.