University-Society Relations

Representation in other bodies and institutions

CCSU and CRUE in Congress

Pursuant to current national and university regulations, the UDC Social Council is represented, through its members, on the UDC Governing Council, and on the governing bodies of Fundación Universidade da Coruña, and Fundación Parque Tecnológico Río do Pozo. The UDC Social Council is also a member of the Conference of Social Councils of Spanish Universities (CCS).

In keeping with its desire to promote collaboration between the University and Society, the UDC Social Council maintains, through its Chairman, regular contact with the University of A Coruña’s stakeholders, encouraging meetings with representatives of the business, political, social and cultural structures of Galicia.

At the University level, Mr Antonio Abril Abadín, Chairman of the Social Council of the University of A Coruña, also chairs the Conference of Social Councils of Spanish Universities. He is a member of the Executive Committee of the Spanish Chamber of Commerce and of the Board of Trustees of Fundación Conocimiento y Desarrollo (CyD) and, in that capacity, he chairs the University-Business Committee and the Documents and Projects Committee, respectively. He is also a member of the Board of Trustees of Fundación Gadea por la Ciencia.