The University of A Coruña Social Council is committed to providing training in professional skills as a key pillar of university education. Training university students capable of facing the challenges of our time requires the University to advance in the construction of a teaching-learning model based on the transmission of professional competencies, which are essential in achieving full professional and life-related development.
To contribute to reaching this objective, the University of A Coruña Social Council promotes training and applied research actions, including the series of studies of professional competencies for UDC graduates, developed through the management and coordination of the University of A Coruña Occupational Observatory.
The main objective of these studies is to encourage reflection how adequate the skills training received by graduates of the University of A Coruña are to the needs of society. Ultimately, the aim is to contribute to the design of the professional competencies profile that could be used as a reference by university, regulated and lifelong learning programmes.
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